UNyaka oMtsha emini!
NgoDisemba 31, 2021 | 9:00AM - 12:00PM

Molo ngo-2021, molo ngo-2022!
Yiza noNyaka oMtsha kunye neqela le-CMoW ngoLwesihlanu, nge-31 kaDisemba kumsitho wethu waminyaka le woNyaka oMtsha. Bhiyozela kunye nathi ngemisebenzi eyahlukeneyo kunye nobugcisa, izitishi zokuzonwabisa ezijikeleze iMyuziyam ukuze ufumane, kunye nombhiyozo kwintendelezo yethu!
Iinkcukacha ezingakumbi ziyeza kungekudala.

New Year's Noon is a family friendly end-of-year celebration where we ring in the new year at NOON, instead of midnight.
Activities include:
Decorate a party crown
Craft a streamer stick
Juice Toast to the New Year
Reflect on the past year with an end of year survey
Epic confetti toss at NOON!
Ngaba unomdla wokuxhasa uNyaka oMtsha emini? Funda ngakumbi ngokujonga ifomu yethu yomxhasi woNyaka oMtsha okanye uqhagamshelane noHeather Sellgren apha hsellgren@playwilmington.org
New Year's Noon Photos